New Gold Dream
It is with immense pride that George Porter and Andy Inniss are pleased to announce that their latest single New Gold Dream will be released later this month. Recording took place over the summer last year after George and Andy shared ideas between studios on various songs and this one seemed to stand out and develop into something that just had to be shared with others. As with previous Empires That Dance releases this version of New Gold Dream is no straight forward cover. Elements will be recognisable but the track overall is unique. Pre order details will appear here very soon and we feel you may like our take on what nearly everyone agrees is a classic Simple Minds song. But don’t just take ETD's word for it. Who better to cast their views on the latest single than some of those who wrote the original song. Their thoughts are shared along with someone who knew more than anyone else about Simple Minds Official way back in 1982 as well as a long time fan who is just like us and probably just like you.